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Designs API


  1. Overview

    1.1 Retrive Designs by ID

    1.2 Duplicate Design

    1.3 Retrive Content of Design

  2. Output Files API

    2.1 Retrieving the ZIP

    2.2 Retrieving the ZIP by File Format

  3. Output Files API

    3.1 Returns All Designs for Seller

    3.2 Total Number of Designs Created in Your Account

    3.3 List of Customer Details Associated with the Design

1. Overview

In the context of the Zakeke API, "designs" refer to the entirety of artwork or graphical elements created by the customer during the personalization process using the Visual Product Customizer.

The Designs API is an extensive collection of endpoints meticulously crafted to access information related to customer-generated artwork and manage them.


Here you will find the description of the keys present in the response JSON regarding the API Designs

1.1 Retrieve Designs by ID

With this End-Point, you can retrieve relevant data for design, including specifications based on the provided quantity. The url key, represents the URL of the preview file, presumably a link to an image.
The sideName key represents the side name associated with the preview file.

GET /v2/designs/{designID}/{quantity}


"designID": "string",
"compositionID": "string",
"name": "string",
"modelCode": "string",
"modelID": 0,
"tempPreviewImageUrl": "string",
"designUnitPercentagePrice": 0,
"designUnitPrice": 0,
"customerCode": "string",
"visitorCode": "string",
"previewFiles": [
"url": "string",
"sideName": "string"
"conditions": [
"priceToAdd": 0,
"isSetupPrice": true,
"multiplier": 0,
"priceType": 0

1.2 Duplicate Design

You will get an ID of a duplicate design by giving as input the ID of the design you wish to clone.

POST /v2/designs/{designID}


"id": "string"

1.3 Retrive Content of Design

Using this End-point you will get all the elements present in a given design.
Items can be, images or text entered by the client, here you will get all the specifications of the items. Size, font or position

GET /v1/designs/{designID}/items


"variant": {
"name": "string",
"code": "string",
"sides": [
"name": "string",
"ppcm": 0,
"areas": [
"name": "string",
"items": [
"json": "string",
"name": "string",
"urlDesignItem": "string",
"previewImageUrl": "string",
"sourceImageUrl": "string",
"code": "string",
"imageName": "string",
"text": "string",
"fontFamily": "string",
"coordinates": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"unit": "string"
"dimensions": {
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"itemColors": [
"rgbCode": "string",
"pantoneCode": "string"
"colorMappings": {
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
"customOptions": "string"
"gridName": "string"
"sidePrintTypeName": "string"

2. Output Files API

2.1 Retrieving the ZIP

Using this Endpoint you will have all the files you need to print the drawings compressed into a ZIP archive.

GET /v1/designs/{designID}/outputfiles/zip

2.2 Retrieve print-ready file with a given file format

Using this endpoint you will have a url of output file of a given format.

GET /v1/designs/{designID}/outputfiles/{fileFormat}

3. Seller API

3.1 Returns All Designs for Seller

GET /v1/designs/seller

3.2 Total Number of Designs Created in Your Account

Using this Endpoint you will be able to get the total number of designs created in your account

GET /v1/designs/seller/occurrences

3.3 List of Customer Details Associated with the Design

Using this endpoint, an array of client identifiers will be returned.

GET /v1/designs/seller/customers