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Order Registration (3D Product Configurator)


  1. Overview
  2. Register an order

1. Overview

Whenever a user completes the order containing one or more products configured via Zakeke, it is mandatory to register the order through the following API. The Configurator Order Registration API is the only way to enable Zakeke to generate two key outputs:


The "composition" comprises a comprehensive list of options selected by customers during the configuration process.

Print-ready files are generated when configured products involve design elements such as text or images.

These outputs are accessible in the Orders section of the back-office, providing merchants with essential insights for efficient order fulfillment.

2. Register an order

After processing the order in your e-commerce website, if there are configured products you will need to make an S2S (Server2Server) request POST authenticated at the following endpoint:


For every detail related to the API call please refer to ORDERS API documentation.


The API must be called server to server (S2S).


To make the API call you need to authenticate in Zakeke and obtain an authorization token of S2S type. For all the details see the Authentication and Authorization section.

The API call expects a JSON with the following structure in the body:

"orderCode": "3521",
"orderDate": "2018-10-24T10:29:48.132Z",
"total": 409.94,
"compositionDetails": [
"orderDetailCode": "453",
"composition": "315-e4848045-91c2-44b2",
"unitPrice": 149.99,
"quantity": 2


PropertyData typeDescription
orderCodestringUnique identifier of the order on the e-commerce
orderDatestringOrder date in ISO 8601 format
totalmoneyThe sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips (must be positive).
compositionDetailsarrayA list of composition detail objects, each containing information about an product configuration in the order.

For each of the configured product ordered, the object in the compositionDetails array is an object with the following structure:

"orderDetailCode": "453",
"composition": "315-e4848045-91c2-44b2",
"unitPrice": 149.99,
"quantity": 2


PropertyData typeDescription
orderDetailCodestringThe unique ID on your system for the order line item.
compositionstringThe Zakeke generated configuration identifier for the product that the line item belongs to.
unitPricemoneyThe unit price of the product, including the configuration price, after discounts have been applied. Must be in the base currency set in the Zakeke API settings.
quantityintegerThe number of products that were purchased.

Please Note

Zakeke provides a set of APIs that allows you to search and obtain all the information on orders registered in Zakeke. See Orders API for more information.